Trusted brand of the world-famous Mayo Clinic and the Olympics for NSF Certified Supplements!
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These are items that I use and recommend for optimal health, wellbeing, and fitness!
Click on purple hyperlink to be directed to the product.
Select 1 or more item from this category to use 3-5 times per week
Jump Rope (10 minutes)
Stepper (20 minutes)
(cardio at home)
Peddler without Computer (30 minutes)
(cycle at home)
Peddler with Computer (30 minutes)
(cycle at home, high tech)
Trampoline (15 minutes)
Trampoline with Handle Bar (15 minutes)
(prevent muscle atrophy)
(exercise instructions included!)
(yoga, stretching, plank, situps, pushups pilates, ab roller and more)
(tone abdominal muscles)
eye protection
Hand Weight Set
(upper body workouts)
(posture, back support, waist trainer)
(reduce inflammation in legs)
(build leg muscles)
(measure your protein intake)
(measure weight, BMI, %Body Fat and much more)
(monitor inches lost/gained)
(assess fitness progress)
(pain management/massage)
(traction for herniated discs)
(Self Massage)
(assists with spine issues)
(for baking and cooking/sauces)
(protein shakes, acai bowls, coffee)
(protein shakes, acai bowls, coffee)
(build lean muscle)
(digestion & circulation aid)
(weight management)
(fat burner)
(detox/cleanse, alkalinize)
(fatigue due to chronic over-exertion)
(nutritional energy booster)
(organize protein and vegetables during diet)
(juice lemons for tea and salads)
(smoothies, soups, bowls, ans more!)
(liquid salads & juices)
(clean drinking water )
(remove harsh minerals from water)
(acid water for cleaning & alkaline for drinking)
(put essential oils on for boosting energy during workout)
(re-energize during workout, for baths, for relaxation and more!)
(relaxation and stress reduction)
(recreation/leisure reading)
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY (for joints and whole body)
COGNITIVE SUPPORT for memory, focus, concentration and attention
WRINKLE CREAM for night use
For people who suffer from any of the following chronic allergies, sinusitis, yeast infections, fungal infections, depression, mental fogginess, gas, bloating, bad breath, fatigue, especially in cases of long-term anti-biotic use. This diagnoses is best confirmed with a stool test but can also be done on a blood test. Below is our candida questionnaire to determine your risk score.
Email us your score so that we can help you with a nutrition & supplement plan!
Candida Questionnaire (doc)
DownloadThank you so very much for your referrals and for sharing this information in your social media networks!